Malcolm Pollock
~ ZenThai Shiatsu Therapist ~ Sunshine Coast based treatments, festivals, Cooran Community Clinic and markets.
mob: 0497 302 060
f: @HMTCooran
Malcolm retired from the building industry at 38 to seek true balance in life! He went on to become a student of Iyengar Yoga and then became a yoga teacher. His focus is posture and skeletal alignment. With his background Malcolm’s Zenthai treatments are a journey of foundational work and correction and balance of the Feet and Hands. The body then starts the journey back to balance.
Where can I find Malcolm?
Malcolm has a studio based in Cooran, in the hinterland of the Noosa Shire. Malcolm offers 60 minute or 90 minute treatments at The Human Movement Centre, 30 King St, Cooran and also treats at Pomona Markets and local festivals.
Malcolm says…
“I was introduced to Zenthai Shiatsu in the year 2004, from that time on I experienced and observed its self-healing qualities. I finally got
the courage to do the full course in 2013. The course was a life-changer for me, I was re-introduced to the Zen of touch (Divine touch). The healing quality of this modality speaks volumes about my own journey back to good health and to those that receive it and are associated with it. Every time I treat or receive Zenthai Shiatsu there is a dance of the Infinite self. I welcome you to come and receive”.
What others are saying:
Hello to all, My name is Dan. I had a hemorrhage stroke, or also know as a cerebral vascular accident. I won’t give a year, but I can tell you it really wasn’t all that painful. Aside from falling 17meters down a cliff.. all while on training in the Army. I was told I could never walk or talk again. Stuck up my middle finger, and proceeded to get my life back. however I had received an osseus haemangioma approx 18 months ago, diagnosed from a Doctor after a medical resinonce image (MRI) now that was extremely painful I had to sleep on the floor, I had taken enough to make me sound like a rattle. It was terrible. I went to Mr Pollock after I was staying at air bnb. I met him, and asked what he did. Zen Thai treatment he said. I’d give that a go. So we did, and he told me to walk like a gorilla, to get me to get my balance. I didn’t even smile, because I had already seen what he has done and I then trusted him 100%
I trust Mr Pollock with my life.
If you have been in pain for years GO AND SEE THIS MAN IMMEDIATELY!!!! IMMEDIATELY!!!!! JUST GET IT DONE, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, no money back guarantee.
Thank you and Namaste
Dan Szabo