… Meet Gwyn ….
Gwyn began his first steps into the foundation of the Zenthai artform in his teenage years with a fascination and complete absorption with life force energy (Ki) . A self confessed life force fanatic, his earlier years involved in using the life force to fight and compete. As a serious martial artist and later a competitive mountain runner, the focus was on expending Ki, however when he later moved into alternative therapies and yoga in 1997, he realised that the real focus needed to be on sustaining and containing life force to utilise its full power. This has carried through to the present day sharing the importance of embracing a Yin and Yang aspect in daily life.
‘Life force is like a huge hose – when it is strong it not only has the capacity to purify the body and create vitality but also the strength to constantly move debris and stagnation that collects in our body, mind & spirit.’
After graduating from the Queensland College of Oriental Medicine and beginning a clinical practice as a Zen Shiatsu therapist in the late 90’s Gwyn began exploring the integration of Traditional Thai massage. In 2002 he ventured further afield and began the first of his now annual trips to Chiang Mia, Thailand, to train under the masters. It was during one of the expeditions he discovered osteopath Arnaud Le’ Hermitte who has combining osteopathy with the art of Traditional Thai Massage. On his return he began integrating this work with his background and clinical practice as a Oriental therapist. Hence, the seed of Zenthai had been planted.
On Zenthai …
‘On the surface we may see a creative form of bodywork integrating techniques and philosophy from Zen Shiatsu, Thai massage and osteopathy. However, at its core is an invitation to freedom. Freedom not only of the structural and energetic bodies but also, if we are adventurous enough, also the mental and emotional. Experiencing true freedom is not about ‘taking on’ anything new but more-so about letting go of the traps and blockages within our body/mind that prevent us from experiencing our true nature – joyful and free. It becomes the focused intention for both giver and receiver using tools such as touch, breath, movement, awareness and honest self inquiry that is not confined to a yoga mat or futon but each moment of our daily life.’
Gwyn runs a range of courses and retreats varying from 2 hour workshops to 12 month programs. Some students walk away and create their own Zenthai therapy clinics, others add tools to a present practice, others bring depth and deep mindful touch to their yoga classes, others love simply sharing with family and friends. What all walk away with is a new relationship: with themself, with nature, with others – a relationship that values the present moment and allows a deeper love and acceptance for all.
Gwyn has been teaching his entire adult life. Earlier as a physical education teacher, martial arts instructor and later as a yoga teacher and Zenthai facilitator. His passion for alternative therapies and connecting his heart with his hands led to him teaching Zen Shiatsu at his created Mt. Ninderry Healing Centre in 1999. Since this initial class he has become a national and international teacher of his own form of bodywork/movement and awareness.
1. Teaching 12 month modules at Mt. Ninderry Healing Centre (Sunshine Coast, Australia) since 2000
2. Teaching 12 day one month retreats in Thailand and later Laos (Thai massage circus) alongside osteopathic teacher and colleague Arnaud Le. Hermiite (Osteopathy/Physiotherapy) for 6 consecutive years.
3. Teaching two annual retreats at Shanti Agung Zenthai Centre (East Coast Bali) since 2009
4. Annual Zenthai Presentation at festivals/workshops: Woodford folk festival (8 years), Bali Spirit festival (5 years), Brisbane Yoga festival (5 years) Evolve festival (1 year), Newcastle Bodhi festival (1 year), Melbourne Zen Shiatsu College
Qualifications/ Achievements
1. Bachelor of Education: Teaching. Physical Education
2. Certificate 4 in Zen Shiatsu and Oriental Medicine
3. Certified Radiant Light Yoga teacher
4. Certified Acroyoga teacher
5. Certificates (5) in Traditional Thai Massage
6. Certificate (5) in Osteopathy meets Thai massage: Osteothai
7. Author of “THE ZEN OF TOUCH’
8. Founder of Zenthai Shiatsu and Zenthai Self Defence
9. Founder of Healing centres in Bali and Sunshine Coast Australia
10. Dedicated to the non division and heart opening for all Human beings
Gwyn lives in Australia with his wife Gaia, her Mum June and his two sons and one daughter: .Jye, Keed and Siahn. He spends approximately 3 months of the year leading/teaching retreats in South East Asia. Otherwise he is running more long term courses on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
When not teaching class or treating clients he is surfing waves, loving his family, running mountains, spending time in Nature, enjoying Yoga and constantly Bowing down to Source.