… Freedom and Responsibility …

… Freedom and Responsibility …

Great freedom brings great responsibility.

Recently I was part of wonderful ritual with a large group of people in a retreat. The lovely facilitator, in a magical space of transparency, whispers to me directly …

“With freedom comes a great responsibility, with responsibility comes a great freedom”

… then adding…

“I feel you know what I mean”.zenthai-agung-300x225

The KNOW part I was a little unsure about… but it definitely instigated an honest inquiry, which I feel is always the base for powerful transformation. There is a Great freedom that is gifted to us, when we move away from the grasping and seeking patterns of the mind. It feels like we are able to unload a heavy baggage that is no longer trying to please, attempting to persuade or defend our ‘point’. Away from being stuck in our opinion, belief or habitual thought, we are able to ‘respond’ in a far more open and detached way… and then as we exercise this ability (response-ability) a flood of freedom is gifted to us. Suddenly we can find ourself listening to ourself and others  with a new found interest. We honour the many perceptions that we can have over a single circumstance or object … not one better or worse … just different . Within this we truly give the gift of freedom back to the earth and everyone in it. There is a simple yet powerful message here. A great reminder of the subtle practice of being honest and listening… as Ram Dass beautifully puts it … “We listen deeper and quieter, deeper and quieter -the more we enter a meditative space, the clearer we hear our dharma, our flow, our way home, our route back to the source”

On a personal level…now I am reaching 50 laps of the sun wow! a glorious, grounded milestone where there is a real bunch of great gifts that have been served to me in various forms over an absolutely beautiful half century. No longer striving to be someone, prove yourself or get somewhere. The big backpack of self inadequacy and people pleasing has definitely lightened its load and the angst to be somewhere at sometime is finally dissolving . It feels like at 50 I have finally realised the promised land is right here right now if I decide to get my small fractured self out of the way and am able to fully embody the Great Love we are. By no way have I stepped through the gate into an enlightened master… but I feel that I definitely have glimpses of fearlessness and unbounded love that give me a reminder of the vastness, magnificence and Great Spirit that is us!

In honour of this milestone Here are 50 tips that have definitely helped me along the way…


2. Less is more

3. Simplicity is the key to real transformation

4.  Silence allows you to listen to truth

5. Minimise unnecessary noise

6. Avoid judgement and comparing

7. Grief and sadness is part of a human experience. To be stuck there serves no one… move on

8. Inherit the magnificence of all human beings

9. It is an inside out story

10. There is a great story of human connection ..be part of it

11. Stillness is the foundation

12. The mind is a lousy master but a great servant …MEDITATE

13. Spend time with self inquiry ..Who am I ?

14. Be enthused about questions rather than locked in solutions

15. Be humble and admire humility in another

16. Let your adversities be fuel for transformation

17. The 4 agreements is the Template for daily living…. be impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions and be your best

18. Take off boxing gloves and practice non resistance… yielding offers great power

19. Ask… Where are you spending your time and attention?

20. Be curious

21. Pray for an undivided global community and be forgiving

22. Spend time in nature absorbing the majesty and saying thanks

23.   Don’t fill your life with days, fill your days with life

24. Freedom is the gift we return to the world… by allowing everyone and everything to be as it is… we are  liberated

25. Perseverance is a key

26. We can’t change circumstance we can choose our response

27. The act is simple, the arena is daily life, the Practice is kindness

28. By Ghandi ” Be the change you want to see ”

29. Trust

30. Ask yourself daily .. ” what is the quality of way iam engaging in this relationship ”

31. 🙂

32. Be mischievous

33. It’s ok to not know

34. Align your values with your actions

35. Great change is made by rebels …live outside the confines of a conditioned mind. Dare to be different

36. We can sacrifice our truth by being an approval addict …recognise the courage to be living differently

37. See the beauty in all…what you feed will grow what you don’t feed will dissolve

38. Gratitude is a practice

39. Appreciate the loved ones that are close to you every day

40 . The quality of your questions  is determines the quality of your life

41. The greatest joy in life is the practice of contribution

Here are some of my daily inspirations from the masters ..

42. From Ram Dass “Don’t get caught in the past , don’t invite the future, don’t get caught in the world of appearances, don’t forget your own innate nature, nothing more than that”

43. From Paramahansa Yogananda “The quieter you  are the more you can hear.”

44. From Dan Milman “Are you relaxed? Are you moving gracefully? Are you breathing deeply?

45. From Thich Knat Hahn “When you touch something with deep awareness you touch every thing.

46. From Adyashanti “We must lose ourself to find ourself ”

47 . The way we do anything is the way we do everything.

48 . Honesty and nobility may be old school terms but cannot be lost in time.

49. Be more… do less …

50 … Finally… my fave… by Neem Karoli Baba… “Love everyone, serve everyone, Remember God.”

That is a heck of a lot of wisdom! If is is too much simply take a deep breath, say thanks and smile.

This truly is a precious life.

My love with you all Gwyn


… Lokah Samasta …

Lokah Samasta … may all beings be happy, may all beings be free is radiating in my heart …

…. may we all take a long Breath and a deep Bow in memory of the beautiful soul , Jo ( Edo and Jo ) on the new journey for this beautiful soul who brought countless awakenings, joy and love to so many … It truly is a great honour to know you this lifetime.

See and hear beautiful Jo here:-

Vaani – High On Your Waves“This is one of the first songs Jo ever wrote after we met 7 years ago and a personal fave! She had never sung or written songs before this gem popped out. But hey she is VAANI after all – which means the Goddess of Creativity. So many people love you and you have touched so many hearts with your voice and beautiful heart. Though I think I am still your number one fan in this world! I love you Juju and am yours forever. Your Dodi

Posted by Edo and Jo on Monday, 21 September 2015″


“Our ultimate destiny is to reconnect with our essential being and express from our extraordinary, divine reality in the ordinary, physical world, moment by moment”
… Russel Di Carlo …


… The Seer, Mystery and Magic …

There are two young girls out the front of the local school with fluorescent vests over their school uniform and whistles in their mouths directing the hundreds of fellow students on their motorbikes as they head into school. There is a mix of mischievousness within the dignity of being in a responsible and authoritative role. It is only the long socks and school dress slightly hidden underneath the security and traffic control outfit that indicates this is two fellow students in a different role for the morning.

The role we all will play today will be wide and varied … parents, teachers, learners, workers, helpers, surfers, players, philosophers … the list goes on. We may notice a considerable similarity within the clarity of the Balinese builder crafting the rock into the stone wall and the detailed focus as the surgeon with the fine scissors and forceps proceeding with the life threatening operation.
The sweeper of leaves along the path has the same air of stillness as the Zen monk sitting on the Zazen cushion as the sun rises over the mountain. The musician creating new melodies and lyrics in the middle of the night is remarkably similar to the three year old sitting on a piece of butcher paper and her hand sitting in a bucket of paint.

The clarity, the focus, the creativity is not only want weaves the multitude of roles together but also is what really ensures we undertake the roles in full participation.

“The way we do anything is the way we do everything”. ‘How’ do we undertake our roles?

While we jump from one role to another, the robes of The Seer can be a reminder to always be present and to look through the veil and beyond the world of appearances.

It is a true gift for every human to be The Seer.

To See the depth in being-ness and simplicity, to see the magic and mystery in Nature’s countless offerings  and to see the unique light and beauty within All beings that cross your path.

“It is what we feed that grows stronger”

It was really special to see the young school girls in their new roles today. The ‘how’ .. they undertook their roles … responsible and dignified … with the hint of mischievousness.

The Seer … meditative, mysterious, curious and unpredictable (to stop labels and mind patterns) .

To continually step in the role of The Seer not only allows us to rise up and be fully awake but is the gift we pass to each other to shine in our authentic truth .


… Listen + Flow …

With the winter theme all around at present it seems the words of ‘flow’ and ‘listening’ are around consistently to keep us all engaged in giving ‘real quality’ and also to keep us aligned with the best choices to take.

Quite often it is like our daily life is the rock and roll band and we are being asked to listen to that pin drop.

But can we can get a sneak message from those subtle currents beneath the surface? Suddenly, we are instantaneously empowered.

When we marry the messages with action we find  ourselves being steered along a smooth flowing river which at the source is about our greatest good. Daily unfoldings become an effortless effort, we practice acceptance and the bumps are like outcrops  to keep us on course.

So here are the reminders

1. STOP AND LISTEN … If we are continually plugged into devices and doing ..we cannot hear those subtle messages and life will inevitably knock you down to wake you  up. We need to stop the rock n.roll band between our ears to really listen beneath the surface.

2. WHERE TO GO? … The stop moments may be challenging, but if life is about our greater good, what is it that is being asked? Sometimes we need to dive beneath the surface to get to the truth of the matter.

3. ACTION … When we have clarity we need to use the oar to restore the energy and realign the path and actively make the changes. If we only look but don’t do, we will not be empowering ourselves with truth and potential .

Honesty is such a great asset which  innate in all of us. Sometimes initially difficult, but this is simply what is being called to do. When we are honest … the direction becomes crystal clear .


… Humility …

Brrr..it’s here. The Queensland winter has arrived. The clear signs, as the cold southerly whipped the beach sand into my legs as I ran along the beach this morning. In the past this is the season where where some are tested. The cold ocean water, have to wear shoes and getting up at 5am is a real challenge. But this year it is different. A big full embrace of the winter ahead with two hands in the air … let’s turn it around and fall in love with the depth, restoration and inwardness this season brings.

Here’s how


Less is more. Recently I had a profound experience of rich ‘now-ism’ by simply walking along the sand , an isolated beach with only seabirds and driftwood. I am sure you have encountered the same. Swimming with whales, diving out of planes, meditating on the summit of mountains, hiking in the forest … all rich inward experiences … beyond words but cloaked in simplicity. Have you ever sat for days trying to ‘fix’ something and someone comes along and works in out in minutes? Not only immense gratitude but also amazement of how simple it was. The mind will often want to complicate … with knowledge and solutions … but if we can let it go …. it commonly unfolds perfectly .

Simplicity is transformational.


We may of been told before to stop dreaming! While the call against scattered unruly thought is warranted .. the call for this season is to start dreaming. Imagination and creativity are powerful fertilisers for seeds of growth and expansion. The quality of our life is dependant on the questions we ask ourselves. What do you want? Where do you need to go? Saturate this time with the air of silence and feel the magic that clear and pure dreaming can bring. Journals, sketch pads, vision boards … go for it. The stories and narratives we tell ourselves become our realities. Dive in the cupboard of awesome and amazing words to give your dreams colour and life …our potential is unbounded ..


Turtle time, foot off the accelerator. According to Ayurveda, this is the time our vata gets easily disturbed, reminding us if we fly around in the air aimlessly like a bird without a nest … our nervous system and underlying health will be negatively impacted. For the go getters this may be a challenge, especially if we live in a society rattled by more – more – faster – better. But with vigilant awareness, it is possible … the benefits move into all relationships and your general well being will serve you well. Contain the power.


You could make this your yoga pose of the month . The fierce and powerful Virabradrasana bowing down towards the earth. My shoulders not only love it but also reminds us to quieten inside and RECOGNISE the great flow of divinity moving through us each and every Moment. It is also a great reminder of the pinnacle of human attributes that we can cultivate within and share with each other…humility … the beginners mind and the practice of receptivity.

Let’s go winter. I have a new set of boots, am falling in love with the invigoration of cold water and am going to soak up the extra hour of sleep in the morning now and then.

Finally, if you have a spare moment and wish to jump aboard the Humble warrior …remember that honest and pure service is married closely into humility . Our Nepalese friends would greatly benefit from your financial support at this challenging phase.

Now is the time..

Love without condition



… Yoga Can Be A Prayer …


It is also a great revelation that when we release the attachment to the unknown, we are able to fully embrace the great mystery of the unknown. The honouring of that which brings us pain and suffering is steering us back to deeper states of self realisation and peace. It is finally a reminder that when we stand strong with reverence towards nature and the elements, they will support us with the stillness and oneness that all human hearts yearn for.


As nature now cycles into the metal element with the season of Autumn we are encouraged to shed the skin and strip back to that which is only essential. With essential, I hear essence .. all .. again urging us to let go old worn out patterns and narrative stories that keep us blocked from a priceless states of flow and evolution. As transitional phases are commonly challenging phases, it may demand a great courage to be stripped bare, but in this state of honesty and transparency a great clarity rises forward liberating you like never before. This moment is THE moment …a gentle bow of the head and a gaze inwards ..” what really needs to be discarded? ” A warrior path may not be the easiest but it will certainly worth the efforts if it is married with your truth.


… Fluid …

It is 5 pm in the afternoon, sun dropping out of the sky. Your barefeet being nourished by the forest, with a Dhoti around your waist, picking up dead sticks and branches for the nights fire to cook the family evening meal. Nothing needs to be justified, just listening and following a natural flow. An ease of peace permeates your entire being.

Again, it is 5pm in the afternoon,  you are dodging through the traffic in your car on the way home. There is a seamless flow of green lights and perfect gaps to see you smiling as you park your car outside your home. You step onto the green grass and stride across towards the front door when something tells you to stop. You take off your shoes and squat close to earth. For five minutes you squat there watching the mystery do its thing. The small coloured finch on the branch, the crickets chorusing their song as dusk falls, the depth of blueness in the evening sky. An ease of peace permeates your entire being.

The content changes continuously in a lifetime. But a context of fluidity and totality remains the same if we listen and follow a direction beyond mind.

Sitting beside the Ganges,  you can only feel a deep sense of unity whilst witnessing the  Greatness of the majestic river . This is a full embodiment of totality and fluidity. No real need to know of where it comes from or where it leads. Just powerful movement with powerful direction.

So great to be inspired


… Allegiance …

Spring time here – yahoo. Expansiveness, growth, new creativity, the grass shooting up after the slumber of winter. The important aspect of spring time according to Chinese medicine is represented by the generous and supporting nature of the tree.


The tree with deep and strong roots creates a myriad of support as homes for animals, oxygen to breathe, a windbreak for an entire ecosystem, food for another or simply a nice shady place for you to sit. The service a tree offers is multifaceted . It has also been recognised that the single common factor that all tribes throughout the world share universally when discussing… “what brings us happiness ?”… is the contribution to the WELLBEING of others.

Now may be a nice time for you to inquire… ” What are you serving right now?”… Not so much as serving of a grand plan to rescue others and create a momentous shift within our world but moreso… what are you serving moment to moment?

Are you serving what you love or what you hate? Are you serving what simply is easy and makes you feel good or are you serving that which is aligned purely with your truth and what you value? Are you unconsciously serving some old worn out story or something far greater that all beings have in common. As a wonderful group steps away from a 12 day training in Bali this week, the biggest imprint for me is the authentic and consistent care each person showed for each other within a honest state of detachment.

As we step into spring with the vitality and creativity that this new fresh season offers, maybe it is a good time to practice a new, powerful enquiry and to note where is your allegiance?

”What am I serving right now?”



…Being Spacious…

I have lost count on how many times I have been surfing and impatiently paddled for the first wave of the set and missed it, then turn around to see a much bigger and better wave in front of me, only to cop it on the head and watch it peel past unridden. “If only I had waited and given it some space” … I mutter to myself.

How many times has a potentially uplifting conversation been sabotaged unconsciously because of ‘not enough spaciousness’ and one person continually interrupting another?

How many emotionally charged ‘discussions’ have been miraculously solved by one courageous participant simply listening and creating space for an understanding.

Not only is spaciousness wonderful fuel that enriches relationships, it reclaims vitality and breathes a deep joyful peace into our day it is also completely available. We don’t need to discover it, we need to allow an awareness to invite it in.

It gives fuel to a cosy campfire, the power beneath the seagulls flapping wings and the space between musical notes to gives it that magical fullness.

The wonderful thing about spaciousness is its contagious nature …the more we allow it into our lives …the more expansive our perception becomes.


.. The More SilentWe Are ..

“The quieter you become …… the more we can hear ”  Ram Dass

The thicker blankets are going on the bed , the socks on the feet, the sun is dropping out of the sky a lot earlier in the day…yep ..it is creeping slowly upon us .That winter time of the year that offers the space to listen a little deeper , move a little slower and build up the resources that will serve as for a time later in the year that asks for more output.

For some, this time of the year is initially a welcome change, however the coldness quickly starts to irk after 2 to 3 weeks, with contraction of the senses, the three layers of clothes, a huddled posture …. a feeling like someone has clipped your wings. For others, winter is like heaven in a daily pack … the pure, fresh air, goodbye to the sweaty, stinky body and hot, humid, exhausting days to be replaced with a cool and contained breeze that enlivens spirit, body and mind.

How do we transition with this changing season to ensure our days are engaged, vital and balanced ?

Below is a few good tips to utilise to make the most along those winter months.

Embrace your will..

.The two organs that come to focus at this time of the year is the kidney and urinary bladder. The bladder is like powerful racing stripes along the entirety of our back giving us the impetus to step forward in alignment with what is purposeful and true.

This is a great time to dream up the direction you would love to journey, wrap into the fearlessness coat and keep stepping forward again and again like a powerful stream cascading around the obstacles as gently as possible. Like the Great Ghandi personified …it is indomitable will aligned passionately with your truth that will by far outweigh any skill or natural capability you may have been blessed with.

Contain your power ..

The leaking or impingement of our life force is commonly due to us taking things personally or making assumptions. Become aware of these two common traps we unconsciously commonly fall into. We also waste a lot of life force having a continual fight by wishing a person or things to be different than they are? Take off the boxing gloves !!! By granting someone or something the complete freedom to be as it is … really unlocks the ‘kinked hose ‘ and a new found energy is discovered. Having less noise around us, more time alone with nature and a simple sense of satisfaction of the way things are ..will serve us in many ways.

Keep warm

Cold has a contracted and inward nature which creates a lethargy and can easily invade our inner contented environment. Keep the area at the base of your neck and below the ribcage warm and covered …Wooly warm socks are great too. A cool head and warm feet is sign of energy flowing nicely. Warm, slow Cooked foods ..esp. Root vegetables, dark legumes  and kidney beans will serve you well. For a full spark of kidney yang ( fire ) try a daily broth of ginger, shiitake  mushroom and miso.

Yin and yang..

A great battery is created by strong polarities. If your are the doer, pusher , continually ‘switched on’ type …. introduce small amounts from the other end … an early night to bed, a receptive sensing of subtleties and a time to refuel by receiving.

If you are the sensualist that gravitates to the lunar qualities of stepping back, feet up and lots of time reflecting and receiving … try plugging the cord in the electricity socket and simply get ‘stuck into it ‘ (my mother-in-law would say.) A line that stuck in my head for a long time when needing that extra motivator was. Two things in life .. RESULTS AND EXCUSES. Check in on your day .. a little more yin or yang? It is all a state of balance.

Slow down..

Less is more. Notice all the things that get completed efficiently when each moment is a full engagement of ‘quality and presence’. This is turtle time … enjoy the solitude and stillness  that is offered when the journey becomes the focus rather than the finish line. Many people commonly step into each day unconsciously dominated by a ‘scarcity of time’. This is a fixated conditioning continually reinforced by running around trying to ‘do everything today’ .

Step aside and see this illusion and the breadth that an awakened mind reveals.
