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Belly Work for the Internal Organs with Monique DeGoey

19/10/2022 @ 8:30 am - 23/10/2022 @ 4:30 pm


Bodywork for the Internal Organs of the Belly
Wed 19 Oct – Sun 23 Oct 2022
8:30am – 4:30pm daily
Mt Ninderry Healing Centre
Bookings are required – Limited numbers
This training will give you the understanding and tools to offer therapy that brings freedom to the internal organs of the belly, thus supporting their optimal function and general wellbeing. You will also gain clarity around the relationship between the viscera and the structural body.
Through understanding and sensitive belly work, we can bring freedom to the organs and help to improve functionality whilst also supporting structural integrity.
All organs have a unique and particular function. If any organ’s function becomes compromised then overall health is also compromised.
The practise of belly work requires sensitivity with perceptive and enquiring fingers. Within this training there will be the spaciousness to integrate your experience both as a receiver and a giver, in order for you to have an embodied understanding of the possibilities. We will oscillate between quiet listening and more dynamic movement. There will be time to share and hear the experience of other participants.
My interest is in supporting you to feel inspired, confident and competent in bringing belly work into your practise.
Bodywork for the Internal Organs of the Belly can be offered as a stand alone session, however, it also offers potent organ therapy that can be integrated into your existing practise.
Day 1 & 2: Hara detox
Day 3 & 4: Link between dysfunction in the abdomen and lower back pain
Day 5: Integration and treatment
We will specifically address:
1. Why and when to do belly work
2. Anatomy of the digestive organs
3. Implications of the digestive system on the rest of the body
4. Manipulation of specific organs to bring freedom and improve functionality
5. Integration of the viscera and the structure
The material and practises covered in this workshop are based on the training I did with David Lutt, ‘Osteothai for the Internal Organs of the Belly’ (Lulyani – School of Thai Massage and Osteothai).
This workshop will introduce you to his work as well as being further interwoven with concepts from the Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine.
This training is open to experienced practising hands-on bodyworker/massage therapists. We will practise on a mat on the floor. If you are a table therapist this work is transferable to the table.
(Please contact me directly if you are not a Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist +61 413 720 884 or reconnect.zenthai@gmail.com)
Investment: $680
Minimum numbers required.
There will be space for up to 4 repeat participants – $380
A $100 deposit will ensure your participation.
Monique de Goey
BSB 804002
Acc# 1304637
Reference: your name/Belly22
You are welcome to discuss a payment plan with me 🙂
In consideration of the current covid climate I understand the hesitancy in making a paid commitment. All monies will be reimbursed if we are not able to proceed due to government directives. Please do let me know if you are keen to participate though wanting to wait until closer to the start date to commit.


19/10/2022 @ 8:30 am
23/10/2022 @ 4:30 pm


Monique DeGoey
+61 413 720 884


Ninderry Healing Centre
350 Ninderry Rd
Ninderry, QLD Australia
+ Google Map