Harri Vann

~Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist ~ Movement Teacher ~ Byron Bay area & Avalon Sydney

ph :: 0481 446 659
e :: vannharri@gmail.com
insta :: @harrivann @byron.bay.bodywork
w :: www.wildmovementstudio.com

Harri has a natural affinity with bodywork being present in his family lineage. He is deeply curious as to how the human body moves in all ways. In a treatment, Harri works with the structural and energetics of the body to assist in its own intelligence to heal. He creates a safe space for the nervous system to unwind, relax, restore, replenish and be held.


Harri treats regularly in the Byron Bay region through mobile treatments, at retreats/events and at the weekly northern rivers Zenthai community clinic. He also offers couples treatments with his partner Kobi (ZT therapist). Look out for their visits to Avalon in Sydney, where Harri often offers treatments at Balanced studio.


“When I first met Zenthai there was a deep knowing to be on this path. Zenthai is now one of my most loved expressions of service to our highest selves. It inspires me to become the best version of myself, to do my best to serve those around me.
I live a simple life close to the earth, off grid in a home we built, growing food, expressing in the ocean, creating and sharing,  which brings me into close connection to nature.
Nature is constantly inspiring and teaching me the way in which I interact with the human body of others, myself and everything. It plays a big part in how I teach Movement in regular weekly classes and through 1:1 coaching. I believe by following patterns in nature we can truly move through a life in harmony, with love and joy and freedom to meet our best self.
I hope to share this philosophy with my Son to inspire the generations to come, to live harmoniously with nature, spirit and each other.”


“My Zenthai sessions with Harry were the most restorative and transformative of all the bodywork I’ve received. It was also a trip > way more active and dynamic than I thought, released a lot of tension I didn’t even know I had. Felt like jelly afterwards, then experienced a deep bodily relaxation I hadn’t had in very long time”
— Brad, Crypto Entrepreneur  

“I am more in my body; the way that I move through the world is imbued with a grace and ease that I’ve never before known. AS a practitioner of Zenthai, Harry is beyond compare. His practice is evidently informed by years of training but the thing that struck me the most was the fact that his intuition is his greatest guide. He knew exactly what I needed. 
As a human, Harry Vann is without a doubt one of my favourite people. As a teacher and practitioner, I can confidently say the same. Harry comes alive when he is teaching and this light shines through. He has a wealth of knowledge and skills to share and the world is a better place for having him in it.”

— Sian, Teacher

“Zenthai with Harri is a dance, a very relaxing dance in which he does most of the choreography. I felt deeply relaxed and held. Harri understands the body on physical level and a deeper feeling and energetic level as well. I left feeling nourished but also realising my nervous system needs more of that love.”
— Anna of The Hemp Temple
