
July 2017

I am sitting in awe in the French Alps, transfixed on the snow-capped peaks of Chamonix and the the lush valleys of the surrounding green,  fed by an untold numbers of pristine clear streams.

I’m filled with an incredible amount of new found buoyancy. I am not completely sure if it is from hanging out with a dear friend and master of Asana for three weeks, where breath and movement has been a continual focus … or is it from the boundless prana that is being consistently fed by this beautiful mountainous area and snow fed streams. Or perhaps it is simply that my eyes have been reopened to a new found wonderment in the simplest of things. I guess it is a mixture of all, but surely this fresh buoyancy has definitely enriched this remarkable ride we label as life.

The buoyancy that sees a skip in your step as you walk down the street; the buoyancy that allows the trek to be a dance up and down the mountain track; the buoyancy that sees a unique beauty in the face in front of you as lift each other up in presence; the buoyancy the evolves from a deep sense of detachment, knowing that each moment whether blissful or awkward , light filled or heavy, will pass with time. This buoyancy instigates a gracious thankyou, by noticing a light fresh offering in each brand new day.

With love,


ps. registrations are now open for zenthai flow training in Bali 2018
